Watch Our Video Short on Virax Immune!

The Virax Biolabs team is passionate about our flagship Virax Immune platform, and we want you to be as well! That’s why we’re proud to be bringing our work to life with Virax Immune’s new animated short.

While we love to talk at length about Virax Immune’s amazing potential, we know that sometimes you have to see it to believe it. Complete with rich visuals, this bold and colourful video provides an approachable and engaging way for everyone to understand what we have been up to and where we plan on going with our innovative research and development.

Let us walk you through it.

Firstly, the video explains why we are working so tirelessly to bring our proprietary T-cell testing technology to market – in a globalising world that grows increasingly interconnected, the Virax Biolabs team wants to empower people by providing them with the most powerful immunoprofiling tools so that they can navigate the viruses that appear in their everyday lives. Secondly, the video helps us to describe the crucial role of T-cells in igniting adaptive immunity and why our team is their biggest champions. Finally, the video highlights how all of this science will power our exciting new mobile app, delivering Immune and its insights straight to your fingertips.

Don’t just read about it, though. Take a watch and please feel free to let us know your thoughts!